Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coloring Your Hair

When it comes to coloring your hair, there are several questions that people ask or should ask. Whether you are just looking to add a few highlights or completely change your look, we have some great tips for you. Here are some commonly asked questions and their answers. 

Q: How do I know what the best hair color is for me? 

A: The hair color that will give you the prettiest and most natural results is one that matches your natural eye color and complexion (skin tone). You can look good in blonde hair if your natural hair color is dirty blonde or light to medium brunette. If you have a cool skin tone (ivory or ashy), use ash or beige tones of blonde. Girls with warmer skin tones (creamy beige, cafe au lait, golden brown) should consider using golden or straw hues of blonde. If your hair is darker than medium brunette to begin with, overall blonde will look unnatural on you. Instead, if you want some blonde, go for a few light caramel highlights around your face. 

Q: Should I get an all-over dye job or should I just get highlights? 

A: When deciding on what kind of color you intend to use (all-over dye or just color highlights), consider the amount of time and upkeep you are willing to put into maintaining your color. An all over dye will require regular re-dyes to combat different color roots. This can be time-consuming and expensive. Highlights are more natural-looking when they grow out, so you don't have to redo them often. Also, consider why you want to color. If you want a total change of your look and image, an all-over color job is probably what you're looking for. But if you just want to warm or brighten your complexion and add a summery or pretty complement to your hair, then highlights around your face would work well. 

For the rest of these tips and a printable version visit Coloring Your Hair on FamilyCorner.com

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